Big Brother 2024

Orwell had it right, he just missed the year!​

BIG BROTHER 2014 is a stage play written by American playwright Scot Lahaie. The play is a techno-savvy blend of theater and media that takes its inspiration from George Orwell's dystopian novel 1984, believing that “Orwell got it right, he just missed the year.” 

The play is set in a not-too-distant future in a declining America where political apathy has led to the rise of a secret organization whose express purpose is to control the nation through technological superiority. Big Brother’s immediate goal is to make America ungovernable by pitting its citizenry against itself until Marshall Law can be declared, effectively destroying the democracy from within. A young hacker named Spartacus mounts a one-man cyberwar against Big Brother, who in turn unleashes the full resources of the organization against him. The epic battle of wills that plays out across the Net ignites a grassroots uprising that promises to rekindle the flame of American democracy.

About the Production:

The Cast of Characters: 

THE DIRECTOR, in charge of the American Office of Big Brother Command Central
JONATHAN BAXTER, the Assistant Director
SPARTACUS, a rogue Internet broadcaster (also Jonathan Sparta, Programmer)
MARGOT LaRUE, a Profiler
MISS VAN HORN, Division Head in charge of Mind Control
MISS FORNER, Division Head in charge of Political Control
MISS VECTOR, Division Head in charge of Internet Control

The Setting: 

TIME: The year is 2014.
THE LOCALE (by scene):
Scene 1: The control room of Big Brother Command Central (American Section)
Scene 2: The Break Room at Command Central
Scene 3: Command Central
Scene 4: A Park Bench in a Public Park (reportedly in New York City)
Scene 5: Command Central
Scene 6: The Living Room of Jonathan Sparta’s efficiency apartment
Scene 7: A Video Blog (reportedly broadcast from the Florida Everglades)
Scene 8: Command Central
Scene 9: The Living Room of Jonathan Sparta’s efficiency apartment
Scene 10: Command Central
Scene 11: The Living Room of Jonathan Sparta’s efficiency apartment
Scene 12: Command Central & the Dover Theater (audience and lobby areas)